News & Events

BC Care Providers Conference — Safety Den Competition

May 21, 2019
UBC MHLP Seniors Care Gaurav Singh

Gaurav Singh, pictured on the left, will be presenting his idea to the Safety Den during the BC Care Providers Conference


We are excited to celebrate our student, Gaurav Singh, in his success at the BC Care Providers Conference last month.

During the conference, Singh took part in an exciting Dragon’s Den-style competition hosted by Safe-Care BC. The competition is designed to encourage safety innovation in long-term care, home support and community health support. Singh presented his Minute of Mindful Meditation (MMM) technique to the “Safety-Dragons.”

Singh describes his MMM technique as an effective method for front-line staff to reduce their stress and anxiety on the job and promote “harmony and eudaimonia.” Mental health is essential for health-care professionals to provide a high quality of work to their patients. Singh’s MMM technique is designed benefit both staff and patients if implemented in the workplace.

At the close of the competition it was announced that Singh placed third—earning him a $500 prize!

Singh impressed the judges with his impressive idea and effective business pitch. He was able to utilize many of the skills taught in the Masters degree is he studying to formulate his competition entry. Singh is a current student in the Master of Health Leadership and Policy (MHLP) in Seniors Care at UBC. The MHLP program is designed to enable health care professionals, to strengthen their technical skills while developing key communication and leadership skills.

Congratulations on your accomplishment, Gaurav!

If you are ready to innovate within the health care industry, click to find out more information on the Masters of Health Leadership and Policy in Seniors Care.

On May 26th-28th the BC Care Providers Conference will be hosted at the Fairmont Chateau Whistler. One of our students, Gaurav Singh, will be among the attendees. Singh, who is currently in the Masters of Heath Leadership and Policy program in Seniors Care and a board director of BC Psychogeriatric Association, will be pitching his Safety Den admission at the conference. Safety Den is a Dragons’ Den-style competition which will be held on May 27th during the conference. During the competition, the nominees will each have an opportunity to pitch their idea to the Dragons’. Singh, who received a bursary to attend the conference, will present his Minute of Mindful Meditation (MMM) technique.

The MMM technique is described as “a self-compassion strategy at the workplace for health care providers”, particularly front-line staff. Singh goes on to say that “since the mental health of care providers is equally essential for delivering high quality of work, by spending a minute at the beginning or during their shift practicing this technique, the front-line staff can reduce their stress, anxiety and thus increase chances of harmony and eudaimonia in the workplace.” We wish Gaurav the best of luck on his pitch.

Click to find out more information on the Masters of Health Leadership and Policy in Seniors care.


Seniors Care

Seniors Care

Move your career forward as a health-care specialist dedicated to improving patient outcomes and fostering the well-being of seniors.

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