Seniors Care

Alumni Showcase: SC

Read about the successful graduates of the MHLP in Seniors Care program, who have gained the technical skills and business knowledge to increase their employment opportunities and advance their careers.

Our students come to the program with wide-ranging professional experiences and perspectives. Over the comprehensive 12-month program they learn from experts about innovative models and practices in seniors care. Our students also learn the language of business, gaining fundamental insight into business strategy and leadership through courses offered by UBC Sauder’s Robert H. Lee Graduate School.

It’s a unique interdisciplinary degree program that is enabling our graduates to move into new areas of practice, take on positions of increased responsibility and confidently lead teams and complex projects.

Learn more about this innovative professional master’s degree from our students.

Read their stories

Imagine how the 12-month MHLP in Seniors Care could benefit you.

Seniors Care — Justin Krzanowski
Justin Krzanowski is integrating the leadership and health-care knowledge he acquired over the course of his MHLP in Seniors Care to lead a team tasked with developing and implementing discharge policies and procedures from the acute care setting.  
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Seniors Care — Hazel Mamaril
Within a few short years, Hazel Mamaril has moved into a significant leadership role, advancing from a bedside nursing position to the Director of Health and Wellness for Revera, a national operator of senior living homes.
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Seniors Care — Sheena Park
Sheena Park has a strong vision of health-care leadership, and she is using the skills she developed in the MHLP to succeed in a leadership role at BC Cancer and in her own business that provides customized care services to individuals and organizational staff placements in the Lower Mainland.
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Seniors Care — Margaret Lin
Margaret Lin exemplifies the power of following your curiosity and actively pursuing opportunities. One thing led to another after she completed a course project on a topic she was keenly interested in – and she is now working in a position she loves where she has a far-reaching impact on senior health.
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Seniors Care — Garry Singh
After working for several years as a long-term care aide when he immigrated to Canada, Garry Singh applied to the MHLP in Seniors Care to gain the education and credentials he needed to move into a leadership position. He says that the MHLP has changed his life, enabling him to make a difference in a field he is passionate about.
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Seniors Care — Elizabeth Matthews
Reflecting back on her experience of the MHLP, Elizabeth Matthews says that the specialized knowledge she gained in seniors care – combined with the introduction to foundational business and leadership concepts – has helped her advance within her career.
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Seniors Care — Alex Chui
After graduating as part of the first cohort of the Master of Health Leadership and Policy in Seniors Care program, Alex Chui worked in advocacy and policy development for the Alzheimer Society of BC and is now leading quality and process improvement projects at Providence Health Care.
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Seniors Care — Saeideh Khakshour
A professional master’s degree in seniors care has given Saeideh new perspectives on management and leadership, enabling her to thrive in her role as Director of Care and rise to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Seniors Care — Jackie Reiners
For Jackie Reiners, the MHLP in Seniors Care was an opportunity to develop the skills that would enable her to move into higher-level executive positions. Nine months into the program and while still a student, she achieved her goal and began a new role as executive director of a long-term care community.
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Seniors Care — Ian Li
Ian Li is developing a service that will allow seniors to have groceries delivered for free from the stores of their choice. It’s just one of several initiatives he is pursuing to improve seniors’ lives.
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Seniors Care — Joanne Brown
“Seniors and the lives they live are my passion,” says Joanne Brown. With a strong foundation in the theory and practice of seniors care — backed by years of experience as a care co-ordinator — she’s bringing creativity and innovation to addressing complex issues within the sector.
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Seniors Care — Cherry Chen
Not everyone can list “practical wisdom consultant” and “improviser” on their LinkedIn profile. But these are apt descriptions of Cherry Chen and her approach to patient care — one that values patient engagement and seeks opportunities to apply innovative and creative strategies to improve health outcomes.
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Seniors Care

Seniors Care

Move your career forward as a health-care specialist dedicated to improving patient outcomes and fostering the well-being of seniors.

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