Clean Energy Engineering

Alumni Showcase: CEEN

Read about the successful graduates of the MEL in Clean Energy Engineering program, who have gained the technical skills and business knowledge to increase their employment opportunities and advance their careers.

Our students are diverse – coming from across Canada and around the world to spend 12 months learning from renowned UBC experts in the field of sustainable energy solutions. They also learn the language of business, gaining fundamental insight into business strategy and leadership through courses offered by UBC Sauder’s Robert H. Lee Graduate School.

It’s a unique interdisciplinary degree program that is enabling our graduates to move into new industries, take on positions of increased responsibility and confidently lead teams and complex projects.

Learn more about this innovative professional master’s degree from our students.

Read their stories

Imagine how the 12-month MEL in Clean Energy Engineering could benefit you.

Clean Energy Engineering – Daniel Stauft
For Daniel Stauft, the MEL in Clean Energy Engineering was pivotal in gaining the sustainable energy knowledge, contacts and experience to shift into a new area of engineering practice.
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Clean Energy Engineering – Mehmud Iqbal
The MEL in Clean Energy Engineering gave Mehmud Iqbal the knowledge and credentials he needed to begin working in a new field – using his technical and business skills to evaluate innovative technologies and help consumers make the shift to clean energy solutions for their homes and businesses.
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Clean Energy Engineering – Carlie Owen
Carlie Owen says the MEL in Clean Energy Engineering was a life-changing experience that helped her set a new professional direction. She’s now working as a consultant supporting government decision-makers in the shift to decarbonization.
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Clean Energy Engineering — Abhijeet Singh
Abhijeet Singh made the most of the one-year MEL in Clean Energy Engineering – deepening his understanding of clean energy and leadership, growing his professional network and landing a new position where he is helping organizations significantly reduce their energy costs and carbon emissions.
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Clean Energy Engineering — Jennifer Johnson
A year after graduating from the MEL in Clean Energy Engineering, Jennifer Johnson launched Solar Connect, a company that designs and installs solar energy systems to help homeowners generate more sustainable energy and become energy self-sufficient.
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Clean Energy Engineering — Douglas Davila
The MEL in Clean Energy Engineering’s focus on the entire energy value chain – complemented by graduate-level management and leadership training – helped Douglas Davila land what he says is his “dream job” as an Energy Specialist at the Provincial Health Services Authority in Vancouver.
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Clean Energy Engineering — Anna Swanson
With the technical and business knowledge she’s gained from her one-year MEL in Clean Energy Engineering, Anna Swanson is excited to be pivoting from the oil & gas industry into the world of clean energy.
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Clean Energy Engineering — Namendra Anand
In the summer of 2020, Namendra Anand began working as the Regional Energy Coordinator for the Ogemawahj Tribal Council in Ontario – a position that is enabling him to bring together his diverse skills to help First Nations achieve their clean energy goals.
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Clean Energy Engineering —  Juan Carlos Viveros
With an interest in management consulting, Juan Carlos Viveros chose the hybrid MEL program to gain the credentials, network and knowledge he would need to launch his dream career.
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Clean Energy Engineering — Ali Abbas
For Ali Abbas, the MEL in Clean Energy Engineering was an opportunity to deepen his knowledge of an emerging energy industry and its challenges.
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Clean Energy Engineering — Airton Dudzevich
With close to three decades of experience as a successful consulting engineer in his home country of Brazil, Airton Dudzevich moved to Vancouver — bringing his entrepreneurial spirit and passion for sustainability to the solar energy sector.
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Clean Energy Engineering — Ryan Prosser
For entrepreneurially minded Ryan Prosser, the MEL in Clean Energy Engineering program was a unique opportunity to pursue his dual interests in engineering and business leadership. And after landing a job with a start-up solar energy company, he’s already contributing to the clean energy future.
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Clean Energy Engineering — Ivan Lapczak
After eight years in the oil and gas industry as a process engineer, Ivan Lapczak enrolled in the Master of Engineering Leadership program to broaden his knowledge of the sustainable energy sector. He’s now working at the City of Surrey’s district energy utility, developing innovative energy solutions that support our transition to a lower carbon future.
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Clean Energy Engineering

Clean Energy Engineering

Develop the technical, business and leadership skills needed to generate sustainable energy solutions.

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