Integrated Water Management
Highly qualified water management experts specializing in new and advanced water treatments and management, sophisticated monitoring tools, natural systems, and novel biotechnologies.
Apply your technical and leadership skills in developing sustainable water management solutions.
Integrated Water Management Experts
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UBC’s MEL in Integrated Water Management graduates bring expertise in sustainable water management and business, ready to lead teams and drive projects in resource management and environmental sustainability.
Exploring a new index to better manage urban water systems
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This tool can help Canadian cities more holistically manage their water resource in the face of population increases and extreme climate events.
Managing Scope For A Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Project
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Water Management students proposed approaches for Metro Vancouver’s large infrastructure project to upgrade a local wastewater treatment plant.
Meeting water management challenges in an uncertain future
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By Barbara Lence, former Program Director of the Master of Engineering Leadership in Integrated Water Management Freshwater resources are finite, by some estimates making up as little as 0.0007% of the earth’s total. Growing populations are placing…
Optimizing information flow to better manage water flow
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Dr. Steven Weijs is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia. Without data, water resource managers are simply making decisions in the dark. Yet the data that we can access do not…
Students learn how to manage large infrastructure projects
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Water infrastructure projects are essential for ensuring the health and resiliency of communities. They are also large, complex and expensive. In Metro Vancouver alone, billions of dollars are currently being invested to upgrade water infrastructure…
A community circle approach to water treatment
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Integrated Water Management: A community circle approach to water treatment By Madjid Mohseni, Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Scientific Director of the RESEAU Centre for Mobilizing Innovation and an instructor…
Developing A Water Safety Plan
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Two Master of Engineering Leadership students developed a comprehensive water safety plan for a small island community in British Columbia that addresses water quality risks from source to tap.
Spotlight: Greg Lawrence on Integrated Water Management
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Integrated Water Management By Greg Lawrence, Co-director of UBC’s Master of Engineering Leadership in Integrated Water Management One of the most significant contributions of civil engineering to society is the provision of clean drinking water and…