Funding and scholarships

UBC does not offer scholarships, awards and grants to students in professional graduate programs like the MEL and MHLP. However, there are external sources of funding that you may be eligible to apply for and receive. 

The following is a shortlist of awards and scholarships identified from the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies’ Scholarships, Awards and Funding database that MEL or MHLP students may be eligible for. These awards are not administered or distributed by UBC or the MEL and MHLP degrees.

We encourage you to review the list of awards below and apply for those where you match the eligibility requirements. The application deadlines are year-round, so do your research ahead of time so you don’t miss out on potential opportunities. For many scholarships, you do not need to be admitted to a program to apply, but you will need to prove your enrolment to receive funds. 

This information is up-to-date and accurate as of November 2024. Please check each individual scholarship, award or bursary website for the most up-to-date information.

MEL and MHLP Scholarships

AwardAmountEligibilityApplication Period
Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship ProgrammeVariesCitizens of select countries only (see website)Opens in January 
Basilicata Cultural Society of Canada ScholarshipC$2,000Canadian citizen of Basilicata AncestryDue in August each year
Black Business and Professional Association National ScholarshipsVariesCanadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada who has made a recognized contribution to the Black communityDue in July each year
BC Indigenous Student Award C$5,000First Nations (Status or Non-Status), Métis or InuitDue in April each year
Becas de posgrado en el Extranjero – CONACYTCheck websiteMexican citizensSee award website for more information
British Columbia Graduate Scholarship C$15,000Canadian citizens and permanent residents of CanadaSee award website for more information
Canada student grant for part-time students with dependants
C$3,840Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada enrolled in part-time studies with a dependantSee award website for more information
Canada student grant for part-time studiesC$3,600Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada enrolled in part-time studiesSee award website for more information
Canadian Scholarship Trust PlanC$6,000 – C$7,000Canadian citizens and permanent residents of CanadaDue in April each year
Central Sector Scheme of National Overseas Scholarship US$15,000 and some expenses paidIndian citizens belonging to Scheduled CasteDue in May each year
CFUW Dr. Alice E. Wilson Awards C$5,000 Canadian citizens, female-identifying Due in January each year
CNPq Scholarships for BraziliansFull tuition and some expenses paidBrazilian citizensSee award website for more information
CONICYT International Cooperation ProgramFull tuition and some expenses paidChilean citizensSee award website for more information
Corporate Culture Scholarship (The Investor’s Podcast)US$1,000Enroled in a university in North AmericaSee award website for more information
Crohn’s and Colitis Canada – IBD ScholarshipC$5,000Canadian citizen or permanent resident of CanadaDue in July each year
EduCanada Study in Canada Scholarships C$10,200 – C$12,700International students with a valid study permitDue in March each year
Grants for Women Graduate Students by the Soroptimist Foundation of CanadaC$8,500Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada; female-identifyingDue in January each year
Irving K. Barber B.C. Scholarship Society – Aboriginal AwardsC$1,000-C$5,000You are First Nations (Status or Non-Status), Inuit or Métis, and will be registered as a full-time studentDue in January each year
Jettly ScholarshipC$1,000Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international students with a valid study permitDue in December each year
Kathryn Huget Leadership Award C$1,000+Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with valid study permitDue in February each year
Kin Canada ScholarshipsC$1,000Canadian citizen or permanent resident of CanadaDue in July each year
Lorne Fraser Scholarship for Mental Health Promotion
C$1,000-2,000Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada Due in July each year
Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships C$12,000 – C$15,000Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with valid study permitDue in February each year
Margaret McNamara Education GrantsUp to US$15,000Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada; female-identifyingDue in January each year
Mary B. Jordan YVR Scholarship for Women in BusinessC$20,000Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada; female-identifyingDue in May each year
MENSA Canada Scholarship ProgrammeC$1,000Canadian citizen or permanent resident of CanadaDue in January each year
MindSumo Mini-ScholarshipsVariesCanadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with valid study permitSee award website for more information
New Relationship Trust Foundation ScholarshipsVariesBC First Nations individual, studying full-time.Due in October each year
Peo International Peace Scholarship Up to C$12,500International study with valid study permit, female-identifying; studying at the graduate level in Canada or the United States.See award website for more information
Public Service Commission Master’s ScholarshipFull tuition and some expenses paidSingaporean citizensSee award website for more information
Rick Hansen Man in Motion Fellowship C$16,000For people with disabilities; Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with valid study permitDue in May each year
Sarah Gaulin Memorial ScholarshipC$1,000Canadian citizen or permanent resident of CanadaDue in July each year
Scholarship for HellenesUp to US$6,200 plus a monthly allowanceA Greek citizenSee award website for more information
ServiceScape ScholarshipUS$1,000Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with valid study permitDue in November each year
SWAAC Graduate Student Award of MeritC$4,000Graduate students who identify as women, studying in CanadaDue in January each year
WaterGadget ScholarshipUS$1,250 USCanadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada, or American citizenDue in July and November each year
Youth Futures Education Fund
VariesBe a student attending a public post-secondary institution on a Youth in Care Provincial tuition waiverSee award website for more information
Zoeken ScholarshipC$500Canadian citizen or permanent resident of CanadaSee award website for more information

MEL Scholarships

AwardAmountEligibilityApplication Period
BC Hydro Indigenous ScholarshipsC$5,000Indigenous CanadiansSee award website for more information
Bullitt Environmental Fellowship C$50,000Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with valid study permitDue in June each year
CFUW Memorial Fellowship C$8,000 Canadian Women See award website for more information
DEGIRS BursaryC$2,000Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with valid study permitDue in May each year
Energy Rates ScholarshipC$500Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada, or American citizenDue in January each year
Engineers Canada$7,500 – $12,500 CADCanadian citizen or permanent resident of CanadaDue in March each year
Engineers Canada – Manulife Scholarship C$12,500 Canadian citizen or permanent resident, be registered as an engineer (P.Eng) / ingénieur (ing.) in good standing with one of the 12 regulators throughout the duration of their academic year. Due in March each year
Engineers Canada-TD Insurance Meloche Monnex scholarship C$7,500 Canadian citizen or permanent resident, be registered as an engineer (P.Eng) / ingénieur (ing.) in good standing with one of the 12 regulators throughout the duration of their academic year. Due in March each year
Foreign Government Awards Program- KoreaFull tuition and some expenses paidCanadian citizensDue in March each year
Hugh Morris ScholarshipC$40,000Canadian citizen or permanent resident of CanadaSee award website for more information
INKAS “Rising Star” Scholarship 
C$1,500 Canadian citizen, permanent resident, U.S. citizen or Green Card holder or student visa holder or study permit holder Due in March each year
Ontario First Nations Technical Services Corporation Student Achievement Awards C$2,000 Indigenous Canadian Due in February each year
Opterus Helen Rose STEM Award C$10,000 Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or protected person, woman between the ages of 18-26See award website for more information
Robert Caton and David Bates Scholarships C$2,500 to $4,000 Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with valid study permitSee award website for more information
SKR Graduate Scholarship C$3,000 per semester Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with valid study permitDue in May each year
Society of Women Engineers Upper-year Scholarships 
Varies Individuals who identify as women See award website for more information

Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors Award in Engineering: Two $5,000 awards have been made available annually through a gift from Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors for domestic graduate students in the Master of Engineering Leadership program. Recipients will demonstrate leadership and commitment to driving positive change in the clean energy transition and the fight against climate change. Founded in 2004, Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors work with governments, utilities, non-profits and corporations across North America to accelerate the transition to clean energy. Through this award they aim to support students emerging as changemakers in the field. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Faculty of Applied Science. (First award available for the 2024/2025 winter session).

MHLP Scholarships

Award AmountEligibilityApplication Period
AGE-WELL Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Awards in Technology and AgingC$10,000 Enroled at a Canadian universityDue in April each year
AlgaeCal Health ScholarshipC$1,000Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada, or American citizenDue in June each year
ARNET Annual Academic ScholarshipC$5,000Member of CARNADue in March, June, August, and December each year
BCNU Member Education BursaryVariesMember of British Columbia Nurses UnionSee award website for more information
Canadian Nurses Foundation Scholarships C$750-10,000 Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident, RN, IEN, NP, LPN, RPN See award website for more information
Catherine and John Kelly Indigenous Student Bursary Varies Indigenous CanadiansDue February, August, and November each year
Health Officers Council of BC Bursary ProgramUp to C$5,000Resident of British ColumbiaDue in August each year
Health Sciences Association BursaryC$1,000 to $2,000Canadian citizen or permanent resident of CanadaDue in January each year
Musqueam First Nations Scholarship C$5,500  Canadian citizen or permanent resident of CanadaDue in September each year
Pacific Medical Training Scholarship 
C$1,000 Undergraduate or graduate college student enrolled in a healthcare degree See award website for more information
Royal Bank Award in Memory of Beth Hamilton Bell 
VariesIndigenous Canadians studying Palliative Care Due February, August, and November each year
Soroptimist Foundation of CanadaC$8,500Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada, female or identifies as femaleDue in January each year
Sunshine Coast Health Centre ScholarshipC$1,000Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with valid study permitDue in August each year
Tachane Foundation Inc Bursary for Indigenous Students 
VariesIndigenous students from Canada’s North Due February, August, and November each year

Clean Energy Engineering Scholarships

AwardAmountEligibilityApplication Period
Aboriginal Clean Energy ScholarshipC$3,000Indigenous CanadianDue in September each year
Global Sustainability Electricity AwardUS$10,000/yearCitizen of developing country or territory (see website)See award website for more information

High Performance Buildings Scholarships

AwardAmountEligibilityApplication Period
Bass Installation Scholarship C$4,000 Barbadian heritage pursuing post-secondary education at Canadian universities and colleges. See award website for more information
Egil Lyngen Memorial Bursary C$1,000 Evidence of Norwegian heritage, membership in the NHS, relative(s) who are members of the NHS, and active interests in Norway and Norwegian culture and heritage.Due in April each year
Houzz Scholarship ProgramUS$2,500Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with a valid study permitDue in March each year

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Scholarships

AwardAmountEligibilityApplication Period
Denis Cressey Marine Engineering Scholarship Trust C$500 or C$2,000Canadian Citizens or Landed Immigrant Due in April each year
Donald W. Challinor Memorial Scholarship Varies Canadian Citizen (for a minimum for 3 years) residing in Canada Due in March each year
John W. Davies Memorial Award C$3,000  Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with a valid study permitDue in June each year
Robert Allan Memorial ScholarshipC$5,000Canadian citizen or permanent resident of CanadaDue in June each year
SNAME Graduate Scholarships ProgramC$6,000Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada or international student with a valid study permitDue in June each year

Urban Systems Scholarships

AwardAmountEligibilityApplication Period
Canadian Institute of Planners Bursaries – John Bousfield BursaryC$3,000Canadian citizen or permanent resident of CanadaOpens in December 2024

All information listed on this page was updated and correct as of November 2024. If you notice a discrepancy, please contact our expert Student Recruitment Team at

Please note: This is a shortlist of awards and scholarships that MEL or MHLP students may be eligible for, and came from Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies’ Scholarships, Awards and Funding database. These awards are not administered nor distributed by UBC or the MEL and MHLP degrees.

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