Dan McGreer
Dan McGreer is a Professional Engineer in BC and an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia in the Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NAME) program where he teaches courses on Ship Design. Before that Dan worked for over 30 years as a Principal Naval Architect at Vard Marine. He has been involved in all aspects of ship design such as preliminary concept development, contract design, ship performance assessment, computational fluid dynamics, marine system design and ship model testing and trials. Dan graduated in 1983 from the University of British Columbia in Mechanical Engineering with a Naval Architecture Option. Dan has worked on numerous ship design projects while at Vard Marine including managing the design of the Chilean Antarctic Vessel, the Canadian Coast Guard Polar Icebreaker, the Canadian Navy Arctic Offshore Patrol Ships, and the NZ Navy Offshore Patrol Vessels.
Dan is also very active in the Association of BC Marine Industries (ABCMI) and the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME). He is currently the President of ABCMI and on the executive of the Canadian Pacific Section of SNAME.