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The Evolution of Personalized Healthcare in 2021 and Beyond

July 27, 2021
UBC MEL & MHLP - Employer Health Data Management

There’s been tremendous innovation in health care over the past year, especially when it comes to how patients interact with their health-care providers.

Pre-pandemic, patients endured long waits in their doctor’s office, could generally only access prescriptions in person and often chose health-care providers based on travel distances. Going forward, patient engagement is expected to be drastically different from pre-pandemic norms, evolving at a much quicker pace and into more of a patient-centric approach.

At the heart of that change is personalization.

With easy access to data-driven analytics, health-care providers can now offer precision-based medicine at a new level. The shift to personalized health care also offers opportunities to rethink the health-care system and identifying how it can deliver sustainable efficiencies.

How Data is Transforming Personalized Healthcare

Data is the foundation of patient care, ensuring the treatment and care they receive are tailored to their health profile and circumstances. An article recently published by suggests that the following four pillars will support the future of personalized health care:

  • Abundance of Data. According to the article, “over a lifetime, each person generates the equivalent of more than 300 million books of personal and health-related data”. This extraordinary amount of data will continue to grow due to the increasing availability and use of tech devices capturing personal and health-related data.
  • Connected Tools and Data. Advanced data collection and storage will enable health-care providers to access a wide array of patient and other health-care data, helping them accurately identify and diagnose conditions and prescribe the most effective treatment and care options for each patient.
  • Widespread Automation. The ongoing advancement of technology will automate data entry and research analysis and enable that information to be sorted and compiled faster – offering health-care providers access to personalized health-care recommendations for their patients.
  • Proactive Treatment. The future of personalized health care will be more about preventing disease than simply attempting to treat it. With the wide availability of quality data, health-care providers can proactively address issues instead of waiting for them to appear.

Is Your Healthcare Team Prepared for the Evolution of Personalized Healthcare?

When you recruit a graduate from UBC’s Master of Health Leadership & Policy (MHLP), you’re bringing on a health-care leader who has the knowledge and skills needed to manage, lead and inspire teams to deliver innovative solutions that contribute to the ongoing evolution of personalized health care.

In addition to completing specialized courses through the UBC School of Nursing, our students take graduate courses on business, project management through UBC Sauder’s Robert H. Lee Graduate School, giving them the knowledge base to be leaders in the field.

The current MHLP cohort will be completing their studies in December, making this a great time to begin raising awareness of your organization and launching your recruitment efforts to attract and acquire the talented people you need on your teams.

Contact us by emailing to or, to learn how you can access our MEL Alumni Network or MHLP Alumni Network to find your next hire.