Capstone projects deliver energy concepts for new building

- Degree: Master of Engineering Leadership
Through capstone projects, organizations leverage the expertise of graduate students to solve specific business challenges.
Over the past five years, students in the UBC Master of Engineering Leadership (MEL) in High Performance Buildings program have worked with organizations across the province to develop energy concepts that make their buildings more energy-efficient and comply with certification standards. In addition to gaining external consultant-level expertise at no cost, organizations also benefit by getting to know potential future employees.
The MEL in High Performance Buildings is a unique postgraduate degree for engineers and architects with at least three years of industry experience who want to apply their skills in designing the next generation of buildings. Over the course of the program, students complete two capstone projects. In the first, they analyze the performance and design data of an existing building and propose design changes to reduce the building’s environmental impact. In the second, they develop energy concepts for a project in the early stages of design that will enable that building to meet specific environmental performance objectives. Projects will be completed under the supervision of Dr. Andrea Frisque, the adjunct professor teaching HPB 506. The deliverables are a written project definition, written final concept and oral presentation.
“We organize these projects to follow the same process you’d find when engaging outside consultants,” says Andrea Frisque, adjunct professor at UBC and Dean for the School of Energy at BCIT. “Students work in teams of three or four, and after meeting with clients to learn about the project constraints and deliverables, they conduct extensive research and modelling to present options for consideration.”
Interested in having an energy concept created for your building? We’re looking for projects that are at the early stage of development. Contact us to learn more about how your organization can benefit from the insight and expertise of our uniquely talented postgraduate students.